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Tips for Night Driving

It is riskier to drive at night than during the day.

Many of us are now reluctant to go at night; some even avoid doing so because of this awareness. However, most drivers will occasionally need to travel at night. How might driving after dark make you feel safer and more at ease? The following advice might assist you in staying composed and secure while driving at night.

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Be on guard.

Do not drive if you are fatigued; tiredness contributes to 10% to 30% of accidents. Being tired makes you a risky driver, whether you pull down the windows, turn up the music, or take energy drinks to remain awake. Never get behind the wheel while fatigued. Pull over and sleep if you feel sleepy while driving, or arrange for someone to pick you up. Remember to take frequent pauses during a long journey, get out of the car, stretch, and get some fresh air, even if you don’t feel fatigued. Remain awake and vigilant.

Wipe the windshield clean.

Any blemishes, smudges, dirt specks, fractures, or insect splatters can scatter light and impair your eyesight in the dark. Ensure your windshield is as spotless as possible and your wiper fluid is full before leaving the house. Remember that wiper blades must also be replaced regularly because they will start to deteriorate after repeated use.

Interior light panels may be adjusted.

Reduce the brightness of the dashboard lights. Bright dashboard illumination can be disturbing at night, even if it may be required during the day to view the dials and indicators. The glare from bright lights might make it difficult to see clearly, and they could even reflect onto the windshield.

Adapt the mirror. Before leaving, put the rear-view mirror in its anti-glare position to decrease the impact of headlights behind you.

Go to the secure path. Pick the safest way to go. Consider routes that are better illuminated, have better road conditions, pass through more populated rural areas, or have mobile phone service, for instance. Avoid using nighttime backroad shortcuts.

Speed up. You can only see as far in front of you while driving at night because of your headlights. That might be short on a dark path, so it makes sense to travel more slowly than you would in the daylight. The location of the road, its condition, and political concerns like whether or not the restriction can be enforced are all taken into account while setting speed limits. Slowing down gives you more time to respond to unforeseen events.

Bear wildlife in mind. Many wild creatures start looking for food around nightfall. So when travelling at night, keep an eye out for wildlife and slow down where it’s probable that you’ll see it. In Canada, collisions involving deer and moose are commonplace and dangerous. In our nation, there are around 25,000 motor vehicle-ungulate collisions yearly, and 20 people die from these crashes.

Watch out for drunk drivers.

After nightfall, your chances of coming across a motorist impaired by drugs or alcohol increase. Be on the lookout for anyone driving recklessly and give them plenty of room to pass. Slow down so you can respond to other drivers who might not fully control their faculties. If you think you saw a drunk driver, pull over and call the police to report the incident. Of course, you should never use drugs or alcohol before driving.

Understand your headlights. Before driving, learn how to switch from high to low lights and when to do so. For city driving, your usual lights should be adequate. However, use your high beams when driving on the highway or in remote or poorly lit regions. Change to low lights when you notice a car coming from another direction and stay there until it passes you. Follow another automobile closely while using highlights. Regularly verify that the glass is clean and that your headlights are correctly positioned.

Watch out for your eyes. Unfortunately, not all drivers promptly remember to turn down their highlights. The powerful high-beam lights on more recent automobiles might occasionally shine right into your eyes as they approach. When approaching a car with bright headlights, glance down and to the right to shield your eyes. Until the vehicle is safely passed, you can use the lane lines or the right edge of the road as a guide. If you wear glasses while driving, consider getting an anti-glare coating to lessen the impact of bright lighting. Additionally, as we age, our eyesight deteriorates. Therefore people over 50 should think about restricting their nighttime driving.

Avoid becoming distracted. Avoid texting or making calls while operating a vehicle. To eat or drink, stop. Children and pets should be held in place. Avoid talks that might divert your focus from the road. Instead, keep your attention on the road.